Sunday, May 16, 2010

Am I crazy, or is that a line?

I decided to take my 1st pregnancy test on Saturday instead of Friday so as not to be disappointed with a negative too soon. In fact I woke up randomly at 6am (which let me tell you is RARE), went into the bathroom and, ya know, pee'd on a stick. I didn't see the "pregnant" line so my first thought was "oh well, it's probably too soon." So I went on with my day a little bummed out but not stressed. Later that night I spotted the test still on the bathroom counter so I picked it up to throw it away and gave it a last look. 5 minutes later I came bursting out of the bathroom with the test asking my husband "now am I crazy or is that a line?" Sure, you had to squint, tilt your head and hold the test at just the right angle but we both agreed it was definitely a very faint line.

I took another test this morning and the line is definitely there. I'm not supposed to tell my intended parents until the official blood test, so I've concluded it would probably be better not to talk to them at all. It's not that I can't keep a secret, I guess I just don't feel like this is one that should be kept. I had been planning to give them the news by presenting them with a "What to expect" book and a positive test (in a ziplock)...I might just take a picture of the test and slip it in the book :P So I guess thinking of their faces when they open it versus accidentally sending them an e-mail will help me to keep my mouth shut. least to them :)

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