Monday, February 22, 2010

Caution: Hormones on the loose!

Well aunt Flo did come to town...about an hour after my last post actually. So it's been a few days and with just a few estrogen injections done I'm getting the idea of what the rest of this "hormone therapy" is gonna be like. Hot flashes, mood swings, random outbursts of anger and/or excitement, and the shots themselves...well. The estrogen serum is pretty thick but nothing like the progesterone (that's for later). I attempted to have my husband do an injection last night, as I've been doing them thus far and wanted to alternate sides. I've been fine with the right side, but I'm not quite flexible enough to successfully inject my left buttocks. After about 10 minutes of  "okay, I'm wait, nevermind". I decided to just go ahead and do the shot myself...on the right side.

Next Tuesday I'm going in to have my ultrasound done to make sure that my uterus is responding to the hormones well and building up sufficient lining. If all goes well, they jumpstart my period with progesterone pills and then put me on birth control to synch my cycle up with the intended mothers. At the start of the process I was really hoping for an autumn delivery, but with all of the delays and holidays, etc. it's looking more like it's going to be a New Year baby. I'm not especially excited about being pregnant during the holidays, but it could turn out to be a pleasant experience. I'm always trying to look for the bright side to those not-so-much-what-I-had-planned situations but with 4-5 more months of hormone filled needles headed to my backside, it's starting to look a little cloudy :/ Probably just the hormones talking.

Up Next: Hi, My name is Hormones...I'll be taking over for Monica now :)

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